Proclaiming the Gospel in the Tradition of Historic Christianity.

Learn About Our Church
". . .You were SLAIN, AND have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation."

Emmanuel Baptist Church is committed to the faithful, practical preaching and teaching of historic, reformed Christianity in the Baptist tradition. We are a unique make-up of individuals and families from many nations and every generation.

Keach's Baptist Catechism in Modern English

Our very own Pastor Nick Kennicott presents a modernized version of Benjamin Keach’s 1693 Baptist Catechism, complementing the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith. This edition features updated language, references to the Confession, and Keach’s original scripture citations for enhanced study. A copy of the catechism is provided to all members of Emmanuel Baptist Church.

The greatest need for all humanity is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the free grace of God and are committed to the clear and faithful preaching of the gospel of justification by faith alone. We want to have true and lasting communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and seek to utilize all the means God has provided to that great end. At EBC we seek to be a family of faith that freely, humbly, and honestly acknowledges our struggles with sin and temptation as we strive to live faithful Christian lives together.
Pastor Nicholas Kennicott
Our church is one that exists to glorify the triune God. The Bible is the foundation for our worship, teaching, and gathering. We love to commune together because of the love for Christ that the Lord has put in our hearts through miraculous power of the Spirit.
Pastor Jeffery Smith
We can't wait to meet you.

Our members and visitors gather today every Sunday for three segments: Sunday school, a morning service, and an evening service.

On Wednesdays, the church meets for a prayer meeting and brief devotional starting at 7pm.  

what sunday looks like

Sunday School

The Lord's Day begins at EBC with Sunday School at 9:15am. There are classes for adults, students, and children. Child care is also provided. Sunday school is a time to study the Bible in an interactive environment.

Morning Service

After Sunday school, the church gathers for fellowship and coffee before the morning worship service commences at 10:30am (concluding around 12pm). The order of worship includes the singing of hymns and songs, praying prayers of confession, thanksgiving, and supplication, New Testament Scripture reading, and the preaching of the Word of God. Child care is provided.

Evening Service

EBC gathers for an evening worship service beginning at 5pm (concluding around 6:15pm). The evening service is not a repeat of the morning service. The order of worship includes the singing of hymns and songs, praying prayers of supplication, confessing the faith, Old Testament Scripture reading, and the preaching of the Word of God. Child care is provided.
Learn What to Expect

Live Seminary Teaching

Emmanuel Baptist Church is the headquarters of Reformed Baptist Seminary. Learn about how RBS is equipping the next generation of men to rightly handle the word of God.